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The nation’s largest barrel race is coming to Stephenville, bringing about 6,000 people with it!

Scoot over Las Vegas.

Stephenville, Texas has grabbed the reins to the largest barrel racing event in the nation – and it’s going to be a wild ride!

The ALL IN Barrel Race is relocating its fifth annual event from the Orleans Hotel in Las Vegas to Lone Star Arena on Dec. 3-13.

The news comes just two days after the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo (NFR) announced that it is moving to Texas from Las Vegas as well.

This year’s NFR will be held at Arlington’s Globe Life Field from Dec. 3-12.

“With all the restrictions Nevada has in place right now, we believe Texas is a better fit,” ALL IN’s event director Chris Woodruff told Beneath the Surface News. “When the NFR made the decision to move to Texas, we surveyed our contestants and they wanted to be near the NFR, so we are coming to Stephenville.”

The event will also include the ALL IN Breakaway Roping.

Stephenville City Administrator Allen Barnes said the economic boom the event will bring to the city is too large to calculate.

“I don’t even know how to figure the impact that this will have,” Barnes said. “This is big; it’s huge.

“And it’s nice to be recognized for what we are.”

What is known, however, is that The Cowboy Capital of the World is about to become a very busy place.

About 1,500 contestants compete annually in the 10-day event.

“And each contestant brings an average of three people with them,” Woodruff said. “So that’s 6,000 additional people shopping, eating and sleeping in Stephenville.”

And that’s good news for local hotels, restaurants and retailers still struggling to rebound from recent closures caused by the pandemic.

Hotels are expected to fill up quickly and bars and restaurants will boom for 10 days straight.

Our business community looks forward to welcoming the ALL IN barrel racers and breakaway ropers along with their family and fans to Stephenville,” said July Danley, president of the Stephenville Chamber of Commerce. “We know the event producers and visitors will enjoy experiencing all that the Cowboy Capital has to offer!”


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