These students are headed to the FFA State Convention in Fort Worth. (And the list is long!)

Stephenville High School’s FFA program is doing exceptionally well this year and now 31 student-members are heading to Fort Worth on Monday to compete at the state convention.
“I am very proud of all of the hard work the kids have put in and I am excited to see how they do with their projects at the Texas FFA State Convention,” chapter advisor Savannah Bowers told Beneath the Surface News.
Stephenville students who will be competing include:
Agriscience Fair: Non-Qualifying
Aubrey Vanden Berge: Animal Systems Division 3
Brayson Burch & Charlie Rumsey: Animal Systems Division 4
Mari Howarth & Rylan Sperry: Animal Systems Division 6
Victoria Battenfield & Creece Brister: ENR Systems Division 4
Gabe Cortez: Food Systems Division 3
Kamryn Coffee & Meg McGregor: Food Systems Division 4
Brad Beaty & Autry Russell: Food Systems Division 6
Elijah Cortez: Plant Systems Division 3
Kaylee Fair & Charleigh Feuerbacher: Plant Systems Division 4
Jack Barkley & Mason Butchee: Plant Systems Division 6
Sterling Richmond: Power Systems Division 3
Mary Caroline Barberee & Presley Koho: Power Systems Division 4
Shayla Mader: Social Systems Division 3
Jaci Lane & Lexi Nelms: Social Systems Division 4
Kirsten Cline: Social Systems Division 5
Kyler Eudy & Hudson Westbrook Social Systems Division 6
Public Speaking - All Area Champions
Charleigh Feuerbacher: Sr. Prepared - Plant Science
Kirsten Cline: Sr. Prepared - Natural Resources
Hudson Westbrook: Soil Stewardship Speaking
Star Awards - All Area Champions and Final 4 (interview at state determines final placing)
Aubrey Vanden Berge: Star Greenhand in Placement
Charleigh Feuerbacher: Star Chapter in Agriscience
Sterling Richmond: Star Chapter in Placement
Kirsten Cline: Star Lonestar in Agriscience
The following students have already competed and will receive awards at the state convention:
Proficiency - State Champions
Ryan Hess - State Champion Agriscience Research Integrated Systems
American Star - State Champions
Ryan Hess: Agriscience
Cade Davis: Placement
Lonestar Degree Recipients:
Autry Russell
Kirsten Cline
Tyler Tucker
Joseph Gray
Peyton Vanden Berge
Mayte Perez
Brad Beaty
Mason Butchee
Hudson Westbrook
KK Osinga
Justin Clack
Kinli Newman
Congratulations to all of these outstanding students and their families!