Tarleton graduate becomes director of physical therapy for Hamilton Healthcare System.

Tye Moseley spends his days working with patients struggling with a variety of issues; from those recovering from hip and joint replacement surgery and sports injuries to others seeking improved balance and strength.
Tye has been the director of Hamilton Healthcare System’s physical therapy clinics since 2017, a position he says he absolutely loves.
“I have a great team of co-workers,” he told Beneath the Surface News. “Everyone here is always upbeat and we love what we do – and that’s nice for patients who are often dealing with pain.”
That upbeat attitude and enthusiasm for his job was on full display during our telephone interview earlier this week.
Tye graduated from Goldthwaite High School in 2007 and went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology from Tarleton State University.
“After finishing my undergraduate, I took my first professional job as a high school football and baseball coach and biology and anatomy teacher at Ozona High School,” he said. “But after two years I realized that coaching and teaching wasn't my true passion so I set my eyes on physical therapy, which I had always been interested in.”
He began working as a tech at an outpatient clinic in Early, and soon after was accepted at the University of St. Augustine where he graduated with honors and earned a Doctorate of Physical Therapy degree.
Today, he oversees two clinics; one located inside the Wellness Center in Hamilton and a second in Goldthwaite.
“Many of our patients are older, and since COVID-19, we have treated a lot of them for general weakness and balance,” he said.
He also treats patients for pain management and age-related medical problems including fall prevention.
And as the clinic’s patient population continues to increase, so does its range of services.
Hamilton Healthcare System will soon begin working with patients struggling with neurological issues like strokes, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis using virtual reality technology.
“We are in the process of getting that now and it’s really exciting,” he said.
Tye and his wife Caitlin have one son and three dogs.
When he’s not working or spending time with family, Tye enjoys fishing and playing golf.
For more information about the physical therapy clinics or to schedule an appointment, call 254-386-1550 or 254-386-1894.