Say hi to Nicklebark! This high-energy pup loves people; you can meet him at the Erath County Humane Society.

One of this week’s featured pets up for adoption at the Erath County Humane Society is Nicklebark, a two to three-year-old male shepherd mix.
“He is a very lovable dog that wants to be near his person all the time,” ECHS executive director Serena Wright told Beneath the Surface News. “He is crate-trained and we believe that he is housebroken.”
Nicklebark has a lot of energy and tends to get easily distracted.
He does have separation anxiety and needs a little work with the leash.
He is neutered, fully vaccinated and microchipped.
Nicklebark is heartworm positive and on treatment.
Shelby is a four to five-year-old female domestic shorthair.

“This very friendly, lovable girl talks when she wants attention,” Serena said. “She sometimes hisses, but is never aggressive.”
Shelby is spayed, fully vaccinated, microchipped and litter box trained.
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