Residents are getting another chance to voice thoughts on how Stephenville should grow.
Special to Beneath the Surface News
The city of Stephenville is hosting a second public meeting this week to discuss its 2050 comprehensive plan.
The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 16, at the SISD Administrative Building.
The city is updating its comprehensive plan, a policy document used by city leaders, developers and business owners to make decisions about how the community will grow and develop over the next 20–30 years.
The current comprehensive plan was adopted in 2008 and Stephenville has seen a lot of growth and change in that time.
During Thursday’s event, there will be a short presentation followed by an activity where participants will roll up their sleeves and plan where and how new residents and jobs will be accommodated in Stephenville.
For those unable to attend the event, the presentation will be available on the city’s website.
The process for developing the new plan will include four phases of public engagement offering multiple opportunities for residents to get involved and have their voices heard.