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Remove smelly odors from your home with this one natural ingredient.


If you want a natural, but powerful way to remove odors in your home, you will love today’s post. This is one of my favorite chemist hacks to share because it works so well.

I have used this product for years to eliminate pet odors from my large, sometimes stinky bulldog (you can see more of his shenanigans on Instagram), but it is also fantastic for food smells, musty scents, smoke or anything else lingering in your home.

The one item that works best for this which is naturally occurring is zeolite!

What is zeolite?

Zeolites are three dimensional structures made up of hydrated aluminum silicates. They are minerals first discovered back in the 18th century. Originally, the were found around volcanic rock and ash. Natural zeolites are fairly rare, but they have been synthetically replicated for years.

I first learned about zeolites in college when I studied inorganic chemistry.

For more on this topic, you can head to our blog post! For now, let’s talk about how to use them.

Using Zeolites for Pet Odors

Before using zeolites for pet odors, make sure surfaces are clean. If you have rugs or carpets with bad odor, be sure to use this carpet cleaner first. Follow up with this carpet powder to get everything nice and clean.

Next, simply place zeolite rocks in a bowl and place in areas of odor saturation. This works really good in small rooms with a strong odor. Leave it in there for a few days to let those rocks soak up odors from walls, floors and fabrics.

Wherever the odor is strongest, try adding a bowl of zeolites to the area. You can even add a bowl to a refrigerator that has a bad scent.

You might even see this ingredient listed in air purifiers and other products made for odor absorption, but just buying this simple ingredient can be more cost effective and work even better for bad smells.

Alexis Rochester is an investigative chemist, blogger and founder of Chemistry Cachet. She shares science-based skin care, cleaning, gardening and health tips. She was diagnosed with RA at age 10, so she has a passion for pain management tips and research, along with sharing her journey through this disease. When she’s not writing for Chemistry Cachet, she is taking Pilates or Barre classes, and also received her Barre teaching certification this year! She grew up in Stephenville and recently moved back with her daughter, husband and bulldog. You can find her posting pictures and fun stories daily on Instagram. Also look for Chemistry Cachet on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and LinkedIn.


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