Rallying for change: The Patriot Tour is making a stop at Stephenville City Park this weekend.
BTS NEWS special report
A group of patriots who have volunteered to drive iconic fire and safety vehicles across the country in an effort to “change the rhetoric,” will make a stop in Stephenville this weekend.
The Patriot Tour will set up near the Birdsong Amphitheater from 1-5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 3.
“Our trucks have been wrapped to celebrate and memorialize our Constitution, the founding fathers who created it, and the men and women, past and present, who have defended those inalienable rights and freedoms for all Americans,” states a press release about the tour. “Our nation is in crisis. Our country needs to rally behind something positive, inspiring, and uniting. We need to strip away the language that categorically divides us and come together to celebrate all that this country stands for – life, liberty, justice, freedoms, and boundless opportunity to make a unique mark on this world.”
Seven vehicles, including five fire trucks and two SUVs, will make the 5000-mile journey across the country this fall.
“We are thrilled the Patriot Tour has chosen to stop in Stephenville for its national tour,” Julie Smith, director of Stephenville Tourism and Visitors Bureau, told Beneath the Surface News.