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Erath County United Way launches program to help homeless population receive important mail.

Lisa Scroggins (second from left), executive director of Erath County United Way, is pictured with representatives from several partner agencies: Silvia Zamora with Erath County Community Bridges, ECUW board president Melissa Divin, Jill Scott with H.O.P.E., Inc., Sherry Carroll with Grace Place Ministries, Deborah Swanson with Basic Needs Ministry, Bill Odell with Homelessness Helps and David Bearden with Graham Street Church of Christ.

Receiving mail is something that most of us take for granted.

But for the homeless in Erath County, the lack of a place to receive important documents can be a substantial stumbling block to getting back on their feet, which is why Erath County United Way launched a program to rectify the problem.

The homeless mail program gives homeless families and individuals a designated mailing address they can list when applying for benefits such as supplementary food assistance, public assistance, disability and social security income and other vital services that require a permanent address.

“The program provides an entry point for many homeless people in Erath County into the coalition’s numerous other programs and services,” ECUW executive director Lisa Scroggins told Beneath the Surface News.

“Many of those who use the homeless mail program establish relationships with Erath County Community Bridges or local food pantries, which can address additional needs.”

The mailbox is at Basic Needs Ministry, located at 313 North Belknap in Stephenville.

For more information, contact Lisa Scroggins at


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