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Erath County Humane Society needs foster families ahead of upcoming winter weather.

Updated: Jan 4


If you have room in your home - and heart - to foster a dog next week, officials with the Erath County Humane Society would be grateful.


The shelter is looking for foster families to give dogs a home during next week’s cold snap.


“We have about 25 outdoor kennels and can get some of those animals moved to inside crates, but not all of them,” ECHS executive director Serena Wright told Beneath the Surface News.


Forecasters say the blast of winter weather will sweep into North Texas on Sunday afternoon with highs not getting out of the 40s for the rest of the week.


Wind chills are expected to drop temperatures into the teens – and that’s excruciating for pets sheltered outdoors.


“If you have a warm barn or garage, that will work too,” Serena said. “We just want to get the dogs into a warm place.”


Fostering is easy.


Simply go to the shelter, give them your address and copy of your driver’s license and they will help find the right dog for your home.

“Once you pick an animal, you can be out in five minutes,” Serena said.


The shelter is open from 2-6 p.m. Friday and 12-5 p.m. Saturday.




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