As schools begin to welcome back students, new cases of COVID-19 continue to be reported.
The hope for a local slowdown in the number of new cases of COVID-19 doesn’t appear to be happening.
Erath County officials said there were nine new cases of the virus on Tuesday, bringing the total to 449.
Sixty of those are still considered active.
Dr. Kelly Doggett said he worries that another spike will occur when in-person learning begins.
“We’ll have to wait and see if our schools can contain and mitigate COVID-19 with the measures they put in place,” Doggett told Beneath the Surface News. “Hopefully, they can. I’ve reviewed the SISD plan and it appears reasonable.
“I believe it would be better to begin classes online only, but that’s not the direction we’re going so we’ll have to encourage students to strictly adhere to the instructions they were given and see what happens.”