Area school officials keep close tabs on Covid, while some districts halt classes.
Following the news that two area school districts have temporarily closed because of Covid, I reached out to other school officials about how their districts are faring.
On Tuesday, Bluff Dale ISD Superintendent John Taylor announced on the district’s Facebook page that school and extracurricular activities are halted through the Labor Day holiday after eight staff members and 12 students either tested positive or are in quarantine.
“This will give the school time to do a deep, sanitizing clean… (and) give our staff and students the opportunity to stay home, social distance, get better if they are sick, and stay well if they are not,” the post states.
Lingleville ISD is also closed through the Labor Day holiday as staff and students battle the virus.
Stephenville ISD is keeping a close eye on its Covid numbers by posting daily totals on its website. Click here for more information.
On Thursday, SISD reported 63 students and 14 staff members are positive for Covid.
“We are monitoring our attendance and active cases on a daily basis,” SISD’s Kathy Hampton told Beneath the Surface News.
Dublin ISD Asst. Superintendent Terri White said that less than two percent of the staff and student population have tested positive.
“So far so good,” White said. “We feel this is owed to our staff being diligent in following Covid protocols.”
Executive director of White Horse Christian Academy Vanessa Halford said she was “knocking on wood” as she answered my text about how things were going.
“Only three parents have tested positive and no kids or staff that we know of so far,” Halford said.
Huckabay ISD also has current Covid numbers on its website, which showed that on Thursday, one student and eight staff members were out after testing positive; 12 others are in close contact quarantine.
In an interesting side note, Superintendent Troy Roberts shared this tidbit with me.
“We have a fifth grade science project going on right now. The project uses bread wipes across different surfaces throughout the school. The students monitor the bread for mold, bacteria and other growths,” Roberts said. “The project is supposed to show what different froths look like and how the infection cycle works. It’s been kind of a bust because they can’t get anything to grow. Our custodians keep it too sanitized and clean!”
And with that, I’ll end this story on a positive note.
Stay well, friends.