The Junior Livestock Show is coming up and it’s time to register for the Chamber’s buyer’s pool.
Updated: Dec 11, 2022

Special to Beneath the Surface News
The Stephenville Chamber of Commerce is once again organizing a buyer’s pool to support area youth in the 2023 Junior Livestock Show of Erath County taking place Monday, Jan. 2, through Saturday, Jan. 7.
The Chamber accepts donations as small as $25, with most giving $100 - $500, and some giving over $1,000. All donors will be recognized the night of the sale and in the Chamber newsletter after the sale. If you would like to be included in this year’s Chamber buyer’s pool, click REGISTER HERE NOW.
The “Register Now” button will take you to the member portal, where you can sign in using your username and password or you can simply sign in using your email address. All funds will be used to support the youth and their animal projects at the market sale.
Checks can be made payable to Stephenville Chamber of Commerce Foundation, P.O. Box 306, Stephenville, TX 76401.
NOTE: The Stephenville Chamber of Commerce Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Donations may be tax deductible. The Chamber pool will be used on the market animals which includes sheep, steers, swine, poultry, rabbits and goats.