Running on Faith: Sign up now for this 5K, 1-mile fun run happening in March.

An event that was sidelined by Covid is coming back to Stephenville in March and signups are underway now.
Running on Faith benefiting Faith School will be held at 9 a.m. on March 25 at Faith Lutheran Church in Stephenville.
Runners and walkers who want to take part in the 5K or one-mile fun run must sign up by Feb. 25 to ensure they get a Race Day T-shirt.
Whitney Demetruk, a member of Parents of Faith School, is helping coordinate the event and told Beneath the Surface News that the race hasn’t been held since 2019.
“In the past it has always been our biggest fundraiser of the year and we hope to rebuild it,” she said.
A pancake breakfast will follow the race and participants are encouraged to bring their families.
“The pancake breakfast is by donation only and we encourage everyone to come and enjoy pancakes and fellowship,” she said.
The cost to enter the 5K is $30 and $20 for the one-mile fun run.
A $5 fee will be added to registration on Race Day.
Awards will be given for top male/female in each age division and overall male/female.
For more information, follow the event page on Facebook.