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Planning a dream vacation this summer? Local travel agent D’Anna Green can help you make it perfect.

D'Anna Green loves to travel and fishing is one of her favorite outdoor excursions.

If you have been dreaming of a romantic getaway to a beautiful, all-inclusive beach resort or taking the family on a cruise or to Disney World for an adventure in fun this summer, local travel agent D’Anna Green can help you plan the perfect getaway.

D’Anna is a coach and teacher at Stephenville High School and Henderson Junior High, and when she is not giving instructions in the classroom or on the court, you can bet she is off exploring a new destination or helping someone else plan a trip of their own.

D’Anna became a travel agent with Bates Etc. Travel in 2018 after a chance encounter with the company’s owner June Bates.

“I was in the TSA line at the airport waiting for my flight to Anguilla and met two ladies traveling to Disney,” she said. “One of them owned Bates Etc. Travel. We struck up a conversation and she asked if I had ever thought about becoming a travel agent.”

D’Anna was intrigued with the idea of a new career in the travel industry, and about a month after returning home, she met with the company’s owner in Cleburne.

Three years later, she has become an expert in helping others discover new parts of the world.


D’Anna tapped into her love of travel at a young age.

“My family always went to Colorado when I was a kid, which led to my love of fishing,” D’Anna told Beneath the Surface News. "I try to fish on as many of my trips as I can.

“I also had the opportunity to work for the USA Softball Team for about six summers and traveled to places like Japan, Spain, Canada and Hawaii.”

She also fulfilled part of her bucket list when she traveled to Australia to scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef.

“Before Covid, I was traveling to baseball stadiums throughout the country and I am looking forward to getting back to that next year,” she said.


D’Anna is one of 18 home-based travel agents working for Bates Etc. Travel and she is gearing up for what she anticipates will be a busy travel season.

“People just want to get away right now, after this past year of being at home and all the Covid restrictions,” she said.

D’Anna can help you plan the perfect adult getaway or a family-friendly trip. She can assist with complete packages, hotel and resort accommodations and book exciting excursions.

“Every vacation is custom-tailored,” she said. “Mexico has some great resorts, but there are a lot of great places to travel in the U.S. like Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon, and there are great beaches in Florida and Alabama if you are not ready to venture out of the country yet.”

And booking your vacation through a travel agent definitely has its perks.

It doesn't cost more to use their expertise and families can pay off their trip with no interest.

“If you book it on your own and something goes wrong, then you are on your own to fix it and wasting part of your vacation being stressed and upset,” she said. “If you let a travel agent book it, then we fix the problem while you are lying on the beach.”

(Side note: My family booked a trip to a Miami resort through VRBO last year and arrived to a hotel that was completely shut down. Not only did the company refuse to issue us a full refund, but we had to pay a whole lot more to find last-minute accommodations for seven people.)

So when it’s time to plan your next adventure, give D’Anna a call at 254-592-4788 or email

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