Now’s your chance to nominate a local firefighter for October’s Hometown Hero award.
Updated: Oct 2, 2024

Do you know a firefighter whose dedication to the profession is worthy of public recognition?
If so, now is your chance to nominate them for October’s Hometown Hero award sponsored by Leslie Walker Farmers Insurance Agency.
You can email nominations to or mail them to Farmers Insurance, Attn: Erath County Heroes, 155 N Graham #102, Stephenville TX 76401.
Please include information about the firefighter you are nominating as well as your name and phone number.
Nominees must be affiliated with fire departments (including volunteer) in Erath County.
Submissions are due by Oct. 7.
The nominations will be evaluated by a panel of judges and the winner will receive a certificate of appreciation, gift basket and treats for their coworkers.
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