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Local Zonta Club disbanding after 66 years of advancing the status of women, supporting education.

Updated: May 21, 2022

After 66 years of supporting educational and community services and advancing the status of women, the Zonta Club of Stephenville will terminate its membership with Zonta International.

“Throughout the years, long before I was involved, Zonta has been a major contributor to our community,” said Stephenville Zonta President Jamie Jones. “Organizations such as Meals on Wheels and Backpack Buddies, plus many others have been touched by Zonta volunteers

“It has been a pleasure serving alongside the amazing women of Zonta. Not only have I learned so much about volunteerism, professionalism and community - I have gained great friendships.”

Over the years, Zonta Stephenville has been able to fund two Tarleton State University scholarships. These scholarships are fully endowed in memory of two Zonta Stephenville members—the Loy Patton Nursing Scholarship and the Juanita Dixon Single Parent Scholarship.

Additionally, nine $1,000 scholarships were awarded to Erath County high school graduating female students this year.

The Zonta Club of Stephenville is well known for two popular fundraisers: The Arts and Crafts Fair held during the opening deer season weekend for the last 56 years at the Stephenville Rec Hall and the penny auction held the second Saturday in March.

Although the Zonta Club of Stephenville will be disbanding, many of its members will join forces with the Cross Timbers Business and Professional Women’s Club to continue serving our community.


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