If you’re a parent seeking a college degree, Tarleton State can help.
TSU Media Relations
Special to Beneath the Surface News
Tarleton State University has been awarded a $1.1 million four-year competitive grant to bolster attendance and graduation rates for student-parents.
Awarded through the U.S. Department of Education’s Child Care Access Means Parents in School program, the funding will help cover child care expenses for student-parents enrolled at any Tarleton State location.
“We’re setting up entire families for a bright future,” said Tarleton State President James Hurley. “When our student-parents succeed, their children succeed.”
Research shows that children who have at least one parent with a university degree are more likely to follow that parent’s example, improving their own quality of life and creating a legacy of educational attainment.
Dr. Babette Cuadrado, director of the Department of Student Resources and Basic Needs, wrote the CCAMPIS grant application. She said the funding will encourage student-parents to persist.
“I’m overjoyed to be awarded the CCAMPIS grant,” she said. “It will help Tarleton State empower student-parents to stay in school and graduate. The program will be up and running soon, so I encourage student-parents at any of our locations to reach out to learn more.
"For qualifying students, we will cover well over the majority of child care expenses.”
Applications open later this fall, but Tarleton student-parents should email Dr. Cuadrado now for more information.