If casting an early ballot for school board and the bond are on your to-do list, you better hurry.

Time is ticking for you early birds who like to cast ballots before Election Day.
The period for early voting ends soon, but the good news is that polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday at the Erath County Courthouse. Then it’s over.
Your next (and final) chance to vote will happen on Saturday, May 1, when Election Day officially arrives.
Despite two contested races for Stephenville ISD Board of Trustees and the city’s five bond propositions, voters haven’t exactly been elbowing their way to the polls.
Last week’s early voting wrapped up with about 700 votes for SISD and 538 for the city.
Stephenville voters are being asked to weigh in on five bond propositions that address facilities, downtown revitalization, street improvements and expansion of the Bosque River Trail.
Residents will vote on each proposition separately.
For more information about these propositions, click here.
Place 2:
Sherrie Evans (incumbent)
Mandy McGee O’Neal (challenger)
Place 3: (open seat)
Chad Elms
Dr. Sonia Sandford