ECHS offers $10 microchipping ahead of July 4th celebration; the shelter could use some help too.

Here’s an idea: Before the fireworks begin lighting up the night sky this weekend, get your family pet microchipped.
Every year, freaked out dogs and cats disappear from their homes during Fourth of July celebrations.
Fireworks are scary for pets, you guys, which is why the Erath County Humane Society is hosting a microchipping special all week, executive director Serena Wright told Beneath the Surface News.
Stop by the shelter, located at 891 East Road in Stephenville, from 2-6 p.m. on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; 3-6 p.m. on Wednesday and 12-5 p.m. on Saturday to take advantage of the deal.
With a limited supply of help, it’s taking volunteers about four hours every morning to clean and feed the 87 dogs and 72 cats that currently need homes.
If you don’t have time to volunteer, maybe you will consider donating things like kitty litter, canned dog food and dry dog and cat food.
For more information on how you can help, call 254-965-3247.