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Dr. Sonia Sandford will bring a diverse 30-year career in education to the SISD board of trustees.

Updated: Oct 12, 2021

Dr. Sonia Sandford

As a former teacher, I recognize how important it is to have a school board that supports not only the teachers and staff, but also implements policies and procedures that benefit all students.

As you consider your choice for the Stephenville School Board, I hope you’ll join me in electing Dr. Sonia Sandford to Place 3.

I have spent quite a bit of time researching the candidates and it is clear that Dr. Sandford brings the kind of experience and leadership we need to guide the education process through this critical time.

At every step in her diverse 30-year career in education, she has been recognized for her innovative approach to curriculum and instruction.

Dr. Sandford knows first-hand how individually unique each student is and believes in providing diverse pathways in the educational experience so that ALL students have opportunities for success that fit their strengths, interests and dreams.

She knows how to equip our teachers with the tools to teach conservative, unbiased lessons aimed at preparing our students to be the leaders of tomorrow. She will provide support for our teachers, staff and most importantly, our students.

Sonia has also been a corporate leader, a civic leader and a family leader, as a mother of three publicly-educated children. Her pledge is to provide strong fiscal, ethical and moral leadership as a trustee of the Stephenville Independent School District.

Let’s elect Sonia for School Board Place 3!

Marion Cole,



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