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Brown spots improve: Here’s what IPL therapy did for me.

Updated: Jan 26, 2021

This isn't me or Amy, just a cool photo I found.

I’m not going to lie.

I’ll try just about anything to reverse the havoc that years of lying in the sun has wreaked on my face.

Age spots, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, you name it, I got it.

I blame it on the decades I spent working on a golden tan without considering the long-term effect it would have on my skin.

Now, I want to fix it.

And while I can’t reverse the years of bad decisions, I am learning that there are treatments that can improve the tone, texture and appearance of skin, particularly my face.

My aesthetic go-to is Amy Roach, a licensed RN and chief injector at Pure Image in Stephenville who treats my forehead, eyes, and more recently, my lips, with Botox.

During a recent session, I talked about my other problem areas and asked if she had any suggestions.

Turns out, she had plenty.

The first thing Amy suggested was targeting my brown spots with a series of IPL treatments.

IPL (intense pulse light) therapy uses broadband light to reduce the appearance of dark patches, brown spots, freckles and acne scars.

Because Amy knows her stuff and I trust her, I didn’t hesitate to give it a try and my first treatment was in early November.

The session took about 20 minutes and was relatively painless with just a little discomfort that came with each zap.

After the treatment, my face was a little red and I avoided wearing makeup for about 48 hours.

In the days that followed, the brown spots became darker and more surfaced (which is supposed to happen).

The spots were too dark to cover with makeup, so I wouldn’t suggest getting the treatment any time close to a big event.

I'm choking down some vanity by posting these photos of me without makeup, but I want to show you the difference after just one treatment.

After about seven days, the dark spots lightened significantly and my complexion was lighter and brighter.

I’m a believer.

Since then, I have had a second IPL treatment with less dramatic results (but I am still very happy).

When you see me this summer, I’ll be the lady wearing over-sized sunglasses and a hat and my perfume will be replaced with the smell of Coppertone.

I plan to protect my investment.

If age spots are getting you down, give Amy a call at 254-968-7008.

You won’t be sorry.

Next up: I have an appointment for microneedling on Monday and I can hardly wait.

I’ll keep you posted.


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