21st annual Tree of Angels ceremony to honor victims of violent crime.
Updated: Dec 6, 2022
Special to Beneath the Surface News
The Erath County victim services staff will host the 21st annual Tree of Angels ceremony at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 8, at the Donald R. Jones Justice Center in Stephenville.
The Tree of Angels is a time for families and friends of victims to remember those who have been victimized or lost to violent crime.
Beginning today, victims, families and friends are invited to bring a new angel to place on the tree.
Since its inception, the Tree of Angels has become a memorable tradition observed in 32 Texas communities.
For more information, call Kenna Carr at the Erath County District Attorney’s Office at 254-965-1462 or email daclerk@co.erath.tx.us.