Weekend vibes: ‘Throw something on the smoker and cook all day.” Here’s how.
One of my favorite things to do on a Saturday is to throw something on the smoker and cook all day.
I enjoy managing the fire and having a few drinks while the process takes place. One thing I've been cooking more of since beef prices have skyrocketed is pork, mainly pulled pork and pork tenderloin and the way I do it is simple.
Look for pork shoulder, which is also called Boston butt or picnic roast. I like to rub a light layer of mustard around the whole cut, but don't worry, you won't taste it. It works as a binder more than anything.
Then add salt and pepper liberally. That's it for the seasoning.
Keep the fire as close to 220 degrees as possible, so it's important to start it early to create coals that will keep the temperature steady.
Since pork isn't as finicky as beef, staying at 220 isn't as crucial so if you get too hot or too cool, get it back as soon as you can, but it shouldn't ruin the process.
At the bottom of the smoker you'll need a drip pan filled with a liquid. You can use water, or you can get creative and use apple juice or a dark beer.
Tip: roll up a paper towel and soak in olive oil to help start the fire.
Set the meat directly on the grates, unwrapped to start.
It's important to get a thick, crisp bark all around the meat, so I want to make sure I get plenty of smoke around it.
After a couple hours you can start checking the temperature with a meat thermometer.
Once the meat hits around 160 degrees internally, wrap it in butcher paper to finish.
You can leave it on the smoker or if you're tired of babysitting, pop it in the oven at 220 until you reach the desired temperature of 195-200 degrees.
Take the pork shoulder off the heat and let it rest in a cooler for 30 minutes to an hour before pulling.
Then use forks to shred the meat.
I use this on sandwiches and in enchiladas.