Volleman’s Family Farm is selling milk in glass bottles and it’s flying off the shelves.
Updated: Jul 8, 2020

A dairy farm in Gustine has found a unique way to supply its milk to a thirsty public by selling it in glass bottles.
Volleman’s Family Farm began distributing its glass bottles of milk two weeks ago to stores across the region, but keeping the refrigerators stocked has been a task.
In the first three days of sales, more than 1,200 bottles flew off the shelves.
“It’s been crazy. I have been delivering an insane amount of milk to the stores because they keep selling out,” said Andrew Volleman who runs the creamery. “It’s been an awesome start. We are so blessed.”
The Volleman family consists of Frank and Annette and their four sons, Benjamin, David, Andrew and Daniel.
Part of the family’s decision to market their milk in glass is to reduce plastic waste by providing the public with returnable glass bottles.
“Sustainability has always been important to us,” Andrew said.
Customers pay a one-time deposit of $2 when they buy their first bottle of milk.
When the milk is gone, they wash and return the bottle to the store and can either get their $2 back or use it toward their next purchase.
Lyndsi Hussey with Littlejohn Produce said the bottled milk is a big hit with their customers.
“We can’t keep it in stock,” she said. “Last week they had to come out three times to fill our refrigerator. They told us we are their number one distributor.”

The Vollemans are building a bottling facility at their dairy in Gustine and expect to have it complete by the end of the year.
When it opens, they plan to hire at least 15 people.
“Right now we ship our milk to a co-packing facility in El Paso and they bottle it for us,” Andrew said.
The milk is then returned to Gustine for distribution.
“Our shelf life tends to be a little longer – about 16 days – compared to other milk products, which is about 10 to 14 days,” Andrew said. “We believe that’s because of our glass bottles and the high-quality of our milk.”
The family sells whole and 2% milk and chocolate milk by the half gallon and quart.
They also sell strawberry by the quart.

You can buy the Volleman’s milk in a variety of Erath County locations like Littlejohn Produce, Baby Clay’s Meat Market, Mac’s Meat and Seafood Market and Lingleville Country Store.
You can also get it at Ranglers Convenience Store in Hamilton, PJ’s Corner Market and Sorrells Farms in Comanche, The Meat Board in Fort Worth and a host of other places you can find on the Volleman’s website.
The Husband and I are in love with this milk and the pretty bottles it comes in and you will be too.
The Vollemans are a fantastic family giving us another great reason to buy local.