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University Flowers: Where beauty, creativity and community combine.

Polly Hamilton

"Many eyes go through the meadow, but few see the flowers in it.”– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Polly Hamilton is one of those rare people who bring out the happy feels by just being in her presence.

Her smile and eternal optimism help you see those flowers the late Mr. Emerson refers to in the above quote.

I stopped by Polly’s new store, University Flowers & More, on Monday and got a chance to see all the cool things happening there.

Succulent station

For starters there is a succulent station, a beautiful place located in the corner of the shop where kids (and grownups) design and make their own succulents.

“It’s very popular,” Polly said. “People love it.”

Polly and her husband Greg opened the flower shop in June. It’s located in a quaint little house (that looks more like a cottage) on Washington Street.

But once you step inside the vibe gives way to funky creativity; a place where you can purchase or make something special or find that perfectly unique gift you’ve been searching for.

There is even a BYOB (bring your own bouquet station) where you can test your flower arranging skills.

Polly and her staff make personalized gift bags and gourmet baskets and offer laser engraving on leather, glass, plaques and trophies.

There is an entire wall donated to cute baby gifts that can be attached to flower arrangements or purchased separately, and a back room boasts an array of Tarleton State University and Stephenville Yellow Jacket memorabilia.

University Flowers is more than just incredible flowers; it’s fun, friendship and community.

It’s everything you would expect from Polly Hamilton.


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