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These cool cornstarch hacks can save you time and money.


As we get into fall, it is common to use cornstarch to thicken stews and sauces.

It never fails, I end up having a jar or box of cornstarch in my pantry for a year and never use it again because ost recipes only call for a small amount.

The good news is that cornstarch is actually a product that can be used for other things.

Clean grease splatters from walls

Due to cornstarch’s structure, it is one of the best things for grease. If you happen to get grease on your wall or backsplash while cooking, use a little cornstarch immediately to absorb the grease. It also soaks up grease on a counter or cabinet.

You can sprinkle the cornstarch or apply it with a towel. You can also dampen the cornstarch a little on a towel before applying to make a paste.

Remove oil stains from fabrics

Cornstarch also works well on fabrics like chairs and clothing.

Sprinkle cornstarch on the stain right away and it will soak up all the grease, then wash like normal.

If the grease stain has been there a little longer or set in, you can still apply it to soak up the grease. You can follow up with a regular stain remover and wash as normal.

Apply to itchy bug bites

Just like with the grease absorption, the nature of cornstarch makes it really great for bug bites. If you apply a small amount to a bite, it will stop the itching and can also help with swelling.

Absorb musty odors

Similar to baking soda, cornstarch can actually absorb bad odors.

Sprinkle cornstarch in a book with musty pages or drawer and it will absorb the odor.

You can also sprinkle it on the carpet to freshen it up, then vacuum. I would say it might work even better than baking soda since the texture is finer!

Sprinkle in your shoes

Cornstarch can also help with your feet including absorbing moisture. My husband learned this trick in the military.

If you sprinkle a little cornstarch inside your shoes and lightly on your soaks, it can prevent athlete's foot. It does this by keeping your feet, socks and shoes drier.

Moisture in your shoes and socks can cause athlete's foot.

Don’t forget to head to the blog post to learn more ways to cornstarch including an easy DIY Slime recipe for kids with a video too!

Alexis Rochester is an investigative chemist, blogger and founder of Chemistry Cachet. She shares science-based skin care, cleaning, gardening and health tips. She was diagnosed with RA at age 10, so she has a passion for pain management tips and research, along with sharing her journey through this disease. When she’s not writing for Chemistry Cachet, she is taking Pilates or Barre classes, and also received her Barre teaching certification this year! She grew up in Stephenville and recently moved back with her daughter, husband and bulldog. You can find her posting pictures and fun stories daily on Instagram. Also look for Chemistry Cachet on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and LinkedIn.


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