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Ready to hit the gym? Here is what you can expect when they reopen on Monday.


Those who have missed working up a good sweat at the gym have something to look forward to.

Gyms will reopen on Monday, May 18, and Anytime Fitness is busy preparing for its grand reopening.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has placed restrictions on gyms, like a 25% capacity, and showers and locker rooms are required to remain closed.

But facilities, fitness classes and personal training are allowed to resume.

Anytime Fitness, located at 2900 W. Washington Street, will open at 10 a.m. Monday, and trainer Jason Holland said he is looking forward to welcoming his clients back to the gym.

“I am very excited,” Holland said. “We are working to get the gym ready and looking forward to Monday.”

Holland said some of his clients, however, may not return that soon.

“My clients are split,” he said. “When the shelter in place order was lifted a couple of weeks ago, I started doing some workouts with a few clients in my garage.

“Some of them want to continue doing that and others want to get right back to the gym. A few of my older clients are being more cautious.”

Holland said employees will closely monitor social distancing and make adjustments inside the gym as needed based on the number of people working out.

There will also, of course, be an additional focus on cleaning.

“We have new hand sanitizing stations and we will clean the entire gym every two hours,” Holland said. “We will also limit the gym to only 21 people at a time.”

Attempts to reach Stephenville’s Planet Fitness were unsuccessful.

This week, Anytime Fitness posted to its local Facebook page that they are ready for Monday.

“We are (disinfecting) everything religiously over the next few days to make sure we're all safe while we get rid of the rona snack weight. We can’t wait to see y'all!”


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