Q&A with Luke Sims, candidate for Stephenville ISD Board of Trustees.
Q. What do you believe is the most important role of a school board member?
A. A school board member has many roles to fill as an elected official. It is my opinion that the most important role is to maintain communication with the community.
By maintaining open lines of communication, a board member will build trust, show transparency, and be an open link between the school board system and the public.
Q. What are the biggest challenges facing SISD?
A. SISD is an amazing district that has been blessed so many with great opportunities, however there are some challenges that SISD is facing.
The most talked about topic is of course the 2022 bond and the future of SISD football.
Other topics that should be noted is the drop in student enrollment numbers and the need to fulfill teaching positions.
Q. Do you support the bond initiatives going before voters in May? Why or why not?
A. The bond was put on a ballot by the current SISD board. My role as a potential SISD board member is to hear the voice of our community.
Pending the results of the bond election, it will be my duty and the duty of the SISD Board to be financially diligent with the construction of a new stadium should the bond pass.
If the bond doesn’t pass, the challenge will be continuing forward with a detailed plan to provide a facility for SISD and do so in a manner that adds no additional financial burden to the taxpayer.
Q. What educational and career experience in your background make you the most qualified candidate for this position?
A. Although my education hasn’t led me down the path of a doctorate degree, it has led me to a lifelong career of education and training.
In the health and safety industry, education is a difference of life and death. For 18 years, it’s been my responsibility to continually educate myself and teach employees about new information and safety related trends to keep themselves and others working around them safe and alive.
My career has led me into positions that have overseen safety projects budgeting $450,000,000 and employing more than 1,500 employees for multiple years.
We were successful in achieving the goal of 0 recordable incidents. Proper planning, continued training and educating of employees, and overseeing budgets were key priorities to make this happen.
My education and common-sense approach will be able to give a new perspective and proactive path for any assignment SISD may be tasked with.