Q&A with Darrell Curry, candidate for Justice of the Peace, precinct 2.

(Publishing note: The following responses to questions from Beneath the Surface News appear exactly as they were submitted by the candidate. The answers have not been edited in any way.)
Q. What are the main duties of the Justice of the Peace?
A. The roles and duties of the Justice of the Peace are enumerated in many different codes. Most of the duties of the Justice of the Peace are rooted in the Texas Local Government Code and Code of Criminal Procedure.
The most common duties of the Justice of the Peace are to hear landlord/tenant disputes, conduct arraignments at the county jail, conduct death inquest, hear civil cases with a value up to $20,000.00, hear traffic and Class C Misdemeanor.
The Justice of the Peace in Erath County also works with the local mental health authority to authorize mental health committal warrants. The Justice of the Peace also reviews probable cause affidavits from law enforcement officers and issues arrest warrants.
The Justice of the Peace, in Pct. 2, would hear any truancy cases from schools located in Pct. 2 outside of the jurdisdictional city limits of Dublin and Stephenville, as both of those municipalities have municipal courts.
Q. What educational and career experiences in your background make you the most qualified candidate for this position?
A. There is no class or college degree or certificate program that one can attend to make them “qualified” as the Justice of the Peace.
I believe my experiences as being self-employed, a volunteer firefighter, elected city councilman, board of directors positions have given me the ability and knowledge to work with others to solve problems.
I feel that being as a Justice of the Peace you are looking at a problem and providing the fairest, legal solution to the problem. I believe that I have an ability to look at a situation and figure the best possible outcomes and how to get to that outcome. I believe that I have an ability to talk to and listen to anyone and believe that these characteristics set me ahead.
Q. Why have you decided to run for Justice of the Peace?
A. A person just doesn’t wake up one day and decide “hey, I’m going to run for political office.”
I believe that everything falls into place and the time was right for me to seek this position.
Over two years ago, my late wife, Leslie, and I began the adoption process of my daughter. In October, I was able to complete that process and officially adopt Lyrick.
During this process I began to see the judicial system and grew an interest for the proceedings. After much thought and reflecting upon my life experiences and interest for the judicial system, I believe things fell into place and allowed me to seek this position.
Q. If elected, what do you plan to accomplish during your first two years?
A. If I am elected the only set goals I have for the office is to be efficient and effective.
I plan to continue the legacy left by Bart Greenway and ensure that we operate the Justice Court as honest and fair as possible. I plan to learn everything I can about the job and be prepared to serve as your Justice of the Peace for many years.