My new favorite java arrived on my doorstep today. Now I’m obsessed with Black Rifle Coffee Company.

A lot of you have asked if I really start my day with a hefty dose of writing.
The answer to that is yes; I’m usually perched on my couch with a cup of coffee and my laptop by 5 a.m. every morning – even on Saturdays and Sundays.

It’s the smell of coffee that gets me out of bed that early (and the series of three loud beeps that lets me know when it’s ready).
I was at Tarleton’s tailgate on Saturday when I bumped into my friend Court, and somehow, we started talking coffee.
Court is like Madonna; there is no need for a last name. Everyone knows who he is because, let’s face it, how many Courts have you met?
Anyway, he told me about Black Rifle Coffee Company and how it employs veterans who roast the best java you will ever taste.
Court is seriously into this. He raved about the coffee for a solid 10 and told me that I needed to check out the company’s website, then order the dark roast.
I did what he asked in reverse.
I ordered the coffee on Sunday and it arrived at my doorstep today. I brewed my first cup this afternoon, and yeah, it’s freaking good.
Really good.
I sent Court a quick text with a picture of my bag of beans and thanked him for the tip, then hopped on the website.
I was blown away.
Court was right. This is a totally cool company owned and operated by military veterans.
I watched the Who We Are video and promptly fell in love with the company’s founder Evan Hafer.
“One of my goals is to hire 10,000 veterans,” Evan says in the video. “I think they are under-appreciated. I think they are undervalued. They get forgotten.”

Seriously? A hunky tough guy with a big heart and knack for roasting delicious coffee?
Be still my heart.
The website is full of other cool stuff too, but the one thing you don’t want to miss is the humor section, the majority of which appears to have been written by a guy named Eric Miller.

If you need a good laugh, you will want to read his piece called How Your Ranger Panties Can Win the Battle of the Bulge.
I haven’t laughed that hard in a while (and I fell a little bit in love with him too).
These guys are just the cutest.
And they make some good coffee with great names like Freedom Roast, Coffee Saves and Silencer Smooth.
I tend to teeter on the dark side so I tried Black Rifle.
It’s intense, delicious and I’m pretty sure will have me typing at warp speed in the morning, so watch out.
If you’re in the market to try some new coffee and support a company that supports our military veterans, Black Rifle Coffee Company is for you.
Let me know what you order. This obsession of mine is real.
Thanks again Court.