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McLemore drops out of school board race citing need for diversity.


Stephenville resident Doug McLemore has dropped out of the race for school board.

McLemore withdrew his papers for Place 6 on Wednesday.

Doug McLemore

“A major concern of mine for a long time has been that the makeup of our school board does not reflect the demographics of our community and our schools. For real change to happen, I think that needs to be addressed,” McLemore said. “As I look at current events and the opportunity that this time provides to rethink how we relate to each other and do education together, I do not think that adding another middle-aged, middle-class white man is needed. That lane is full already.

“There are other voices who can bring much more to the discussion than I can, and I plan to support them as they work to make our schools truly work for all of our students.”

David Tezaguic and Phyllis Stewart are now the only two candidates vying for Place 6.

McLemore says he will support Tezaguic in the race.


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