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Listen to the audio exchange from Tarleton's "listening session" that cost a senior instructor his job.

listening session


Aj P
Aj P
Jun 30, 2024

Folks I had two sons graduate from Tarlton and the older son had Lt. Robert's as a teacher. I've personally have know LT. Robert's sense 2006 when we deployed to Iraq, have been in fire fights with this man, and many long talks about everything under the sun over those 15 months. We have put our lives in harms way more times than ican count. I just listened to the audio and Lt. Robert's was professional in every aspect the entire meeting and never raised his voice or used one foul word or disrespect that Hurly guy or anyone else. Why did he get fired? Because he brought stats and research with him to back up his speech? This Hurly…


Jun 28, 2024

Everyone was respectful on both sides. It got contentious but not disrespectful and definitely not defamatory.


Jun 28, 2024

I don’t know if this counts towards the salary or not but most student workers get paid minimum wage which is $7.25 an hour. The only way you will make more is if you have financial aid and you will make eight dollars an hour for a year and then you have a chance of moving up another dollar. The annual salary for a student worker is less than 7,000 a year. That doesn’t even cover one semester of tuition for some people.


Jun 28, 2024

This was a very professional exchange. This professor needs to be reinstated. I am glad that my students have graduated from Tarleton, as it isn’t the great school it once was. The students are no longer a name but a number like at every other school. They have changed everything that made them great. The teaching program needs looked into and the Financial Aid/Business Office was difficult to get in touch with years ago, let alone now with all of the growth. It’s sad.


Jun 28, 2024

The only thing in that exchange that was intolerable or disrespectful in any way was Hurley’s dismissive tone towards Ted. For Hurley to not be aware of what the median salary is at the school under his watch is unacceptable. Tarleton should expedite finding a replacement for him. Ted was very professional and prepared and should be reinstated immediately!

Doc BK
Doc BK
Jun 30, 2024
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I agree on all of these points.

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