About that Frosty and square hamburger you’ve been craving…

The sign is up. The Frosty machine is in. And one of the nation’s most popular quick service restaurants is set to open soon.
But here’s the hiccup: No one seems certain when Wendy’s will open for business.
“We are super excited about opening in Stephenville,” Glen Brandeburg with Wendy’s told BTS News a couple of months ago. “I have been there several times and we are absolutely thrilled to become part of the community.”

The restaurant was expected to open weeks earlier, but was delayed because of the pandemic.
Wendy’s officials have said the restaurant will not open until it could do so with full occupancy, and last week’s decision to dial back restaurants to 50 percent may have stalled its opening.
SEDA’s Executive Director Jeff Sandford said he has reached out to Wendy’s officials for an answer on when they plan to open, but hasn’t been given an official response.
The wait for a Frosty, however, appears to be getting shorter and that’s great news, so stayed tuned.
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