Why I believe Amauri Martinez is the best candidate for SISD Board of Trustees.

Positions on the School Board are not positions to be taken lightly.
As a retired teacher, who was honored to serve the students of Stephenville ISD for 40 years, I would like to endorse Amauri Martinez for School Board Trustee.
I have known Amauri for 21 years. Throughout those years, I have seen the highest values exhibited: upstanding Christian, honest, hard-working, devoted, passionate, caring, kind, and high moral values both in his professional and personal life.
I love that he has worked throughout various departments in the school system and has worked in both small and large business environments within the community.
School Board members make numerous decisions that affect over 3,500 students and their families.
When voting for a school board member, consider the candidate's educational background.
I want a trustee that will think of the children first and foremost. I want a candidate who has worked within the school district and understands the needs of the educators.
These are not positions of popularity. School Board members are not party affiliates, and they should be advocates for the children!
School Board elections are not focused on bond support. That's up to the citizens' votes.
When voting for a school board member, one should consider the children's well-being and their futures and vote for someone who has that goal in mind first and foremost.
I believe Amauri to be the best candidate.
Lynne Hamilton,
Retired SISD Educator