The fox is in the hen house, so we have wind and solar.

By Joanna Friebele
This country is heading into third world status! I hate to be an alarmist, but I’m stealing a page out of the green agenda playbook!
The continued reliance on renewables, wind, solar and batteries will put us all in the poor house! We have been warned repeatedly there will be blackouts this summer, they cite the aging grid and they are not really lying, just massaging the truth.
The grid was built for baseload power, not intermittent power from renewables. The fact that they want us all to be electrified, is ridiculous when they can’t service our current needs. Good sense flew out the window, but that’s what you get listening to fanatics like Al Gore and Greta Thunberg. Al is worth $300 million and Greta is a millionaire. I image they own Generacs all home generators. They won’t ever be third world!
Let me start by saying, there is no such thing as clean energy. Wind and solar are still dependent on oil and gas to build and keep generating. They are full of toxic chemicals, much overlooked.
Slave and indentured laborers are working in horrendous and dangerous conditions as they mine rear earth minerals, lithium, cobalt and many more. All this so we can feel good about our green energy technology here in the west. There is a definite lack of critical thinking and shortsightedness by so many.
This “feel good” does not come free, wind and solar come with an enormous price tag. Some say it is justified because this is an emerging technology. It had already emerged when I was 15, now that’s a long time ago.
Solar panels were popular back then for the more affluent families to heat their water. Funny there wasn’t much sun in Northern Ireland, but it was the trendy thing to do and there may have been government subsidies then too, but that sort of thing wasn’t on my radar at the time.
Wind and hydro energy have certainly been used since the Middle Ages, evidenced by the grain mills and windmills dotted across Holland, England and Europe.
I diverge, back to the price tag. The large government subsidies for wind and solar are the most ever handed out to energy companies, with over 150 billion dollars of our money on a federal level so far.
The tax credits are also numerous coming up to about 1.5 billion dollars according to Fox News. Then there are the local subsidies in the form of tax breaks, CH 313 and CH 312.
My question would be, why would you want to spend all this money on a technology that is not energy dense and does not scale up, unless you want to cover the whole state with wind or solar. Nuclear is always there when you want it and can run for up to 80 years or more and is energy dense with a substantially smaller footprint.
The second difference is the reliability of wind and solar. Our gird was built for baseload power, nuclear and gas along with coal provide that stability at a reasonable cost. They are not intermittent, like wind and solar, so they are not disrupting the grid. More solar and wind equals more blackouts as the baseload planets use more energy and are more susceptible to breakdowns since they were not designed to ramp up and down arbitrarily as the wind blows and the sun shines.
Disrupting the grid cost human lives, as seen last February, when over 700 people died. It cost the most disadvantaged among us, and it cost us all as tax and rate payers. ERCOT is telling us that there will be more outages this summer as the temperatures rise, the warnings are loud and clear.
Affordable, reliable energy has made us all dependent affecting the most vulnerable of us when it is not there, and not available when we most need it. Wind and solar are making that situation more precarious and will be responsible for more human suffering.
Unfortunately, the warnings coming from those smarter than I am about energy, seem to be hitting a brick wall as our leaders go down this clean energy fox hole.
Trust me when I say that the fox, in the form of the energy companies, is in the hen house at all government levels. The campaign contributions are enormous, and the lobbyist are hard at work. The energy companies can afford to pay the best, after all they are using our money to do so.