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Oklahoma man found guilty of sexually assaulting teen girl he met online.

Robert McGaugh

I wrote about this guy two years ago.

I wrote about how Robert McGaugh drove from Guthrie, Oklahoma to Stephenville for the purpose of having sex with a then 16-year-old high school girl he met online.

When the girl’s father suspected something was amiss, he contacted Stephenville police and McGaugh was arrested at a local motel.

Since then, McGaugh has been sitting in the Erath County Jail awaiting his fate, and on Wednesday, he began to learn what his future might look like.

After a three-day trial that began on Monday, an Erath County jury found McGaugh guilty of three counts of sexual assault of a child.

District Attorney Alan Nash would not comment on the verdict until after sentencing, which will begin Thursday.


Tiffany Nicole
Tiffany Nicole
May 10, 2024

What’s funny is you guys have no fucking clue the destruction he caused here in Edmond Oklahoma… This little girl could have been saved had the police listened to me. I even turned in an entire computer full of child porn and perverse conversations. To no avail. I’m glad Texas takes this seriously.


Jun 05, 2021

This guy was my step father from when I was 8 years old to 13 years old. He ruined my childhood. I hope he dies in jail.

Tiffany Nicole
Tiffany Nicole
May 10, 2024
Replying to

It’s a lot longer trail than this… I dealt with him from 2006-imprisonment. He harrassed and stalked me for YEARS trying to get me arrested for the most random things, even claimed we were common law married so I couldn’t testify against him which absolutely did not hold up in court, after I turned him in and left our shared residence.

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