Elected officials meet Wednesday to discuss how to get residents back to work and reopen businesses

The Stephenville City Council will meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday to develop a plan on reopening the city for business.
The meeting will be livestreamed on the city’s Facebook page.

Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order last week to begin the process of reopening Texas, then outlined a plan he says will be guided by “data and doctors.”
“Opening Texas must occur in stages,” Abbott said. “We must put safety first.”
Texas State Parks will reopen Monday (today). Visitors must wear face coverings, stay six feet apart and not gather in groups of more than five.
On Wednesday, restrictions on surgeries will be loosened.
And on Friday, all retailers will be given the green light to operate in a “retail to go” capacity, allowing for delivery or curbside service.
There is no word yet on when bars, restaurants and salons will reopen.
Abbott said his strike team will announce a plan to open the rest of the state on Monday, April 27.