Tickets on sale for Studio 6:14’s merry mashup: The Grinch and The Nutcracker.

The public is invited to a festive merry mashup on Saturday, Dec. 2, when performers with Studio 6:14 present The Grinch who Stole Christmas and The Nutcracker.
“This is a student production so the lead cast are all students,” owner Brittany Thurman told Beneath the Surface News. “There are speaking parts, a chorus, solo vocalists, and of course, lots of dancing!”
Two performances at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. will take place Dec. 2 at the Stephenville High School Auditorium.
Tickets are $7.50 for adults and $5.50 for children. Click here to purchase.
“A lot of hard work has gone into this production and we are excited to bring it to the stage,” Brittany said. “You don't want to miss the chance to witness The Nutcracker's enchantment and The Grinch's grinchness!”