Suspect accused of shooting local businessman is back behind bars after violating bond conditions.

Ronald Oddo, a 75-year-old Erath County man accused of shooting Stephenville businessman Jeff Collins in June, is back behind bars after violating a bond order.
Oddo was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in connection with the shooting and released from the Erath County Jail after posting a $500,000 bond.
He is now back in jail following a second arrest on Sept. 9 for violating his bond conditions after donating a long gun to a fundraiser for a private school in Granbury.
Oddo’s bond conditions prohibited him from possessing a firearm or going within 1,000 feet of a school.
Collins, owner of AA Water Systems, was at Oddo’s residence on Meadow Bend Circle on June 24 to check a water softener when a confrontation between the men reportedly occurred.
As Collins attempted to leave the residence, Oddo allegedly pulled out a gun and shot Collins once in the stomach.

Collins remained conscious throughout the ordeal and slowed the bleeding by putting his finger into the bullet hole while driving himself to the hospital.
On his way to Texas Health Stephenville, he called 9-1-1 and was airlifted to a Fort Worth hospital where he underwent extensive surgery and a lengthy hospital stay.
It’s been nearly three months since the shooting and Collins has still not been able to return to work. He was recently released from a second hospital stay due to complications from his injuries.
"God has been so good with recovery so far and we are trying our best to get back to a new normal,” Amanda Collins, Jeff’s wife, told Beneath the Surface News. “Our customers and community have been amazing in their prayers and they are all felt by our family.”
Meanwhile, the case is still under investigation and has not been filed with the district attorney’s office.