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SHS Class of 1971 hosting its 50-year anniversary with a weekend of fun.

The Stephenville High School Class of 1971 will celebrate its golden anniversary on the weekend of June 11-13.

The 50-year celebration will kick off with a casual get-together at the home of Steve and Linda Peacock on Friday night.

The class will tour the old high school as well as the newly-remodeled campus at 2 p.m. Saturday.

The main event will take place at 5 p.m. Saturday with a catered dinner by Jon Koonsman at 6:30 at “The Place” event center on Hico Highway.

Ronald Gene Becker will serve as master of ceremonies.

The reunion will close with breakfast at The Purple Goat at 9 a.m. Sunday.

The SHS Class of ‘71 has held a reunion every five years and hopes all classmates in the area will join them as they celebrate this milestone.

Classmates from as far away as California, Tennessee and Indiana are attending.

For some it will be the first time they’ve ever attended a reunion.

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