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Shelby Slawson is headed to Austin after beating Sheffield in race for the Texas House.

Shelby Slawson

Texas House District 59 is getting new representation next year following Shelby Slawson’s win in Tuesday’s GOP primary runoff election.

Slawson beat longtime incumbent Dr. J.D. Sheffield after receiving more than 61 percent of the vote with 94 percent of polling locations reporting, according to numbers released by the Texas Secretary of State.

Beneath the Surface News is waiting on a statement from Slawson’s campaign.

Meanwhile, Craig Murphy, a spokesman for Sheffield, said a statement from the campaign will likely be released on Wednesday.

Slawson is a Stephenville resident and local attorney. She and her husband Joe Don have two daughters.

Sheffield is a physician in Gatesville and has represented the citizens of District 59 since 2012.


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