Say ‘hi’ to Amelia and Chikis; they are this week’s featured pets

This week’s featured pets up for adoption at the Erath County Humane Society include Amelia, a three to four-year-old female Shepherd mix.
“She is very sweet and loves meeting new people,” ECHS executive director Serena Wright told Beneath the Surface News. “She loves attention, but doesn't like anyone in her face.”
Amelia is good with other dogs, housebroken, crate trained, fully vaccinated and microchipped.
“Amelia is heart worm positive and has been started on treatment but her adopter will have to take her to the vet to continue heart worm treatment,” Serena said.
Chikis is a four-month-old male domestic shorthair cat.
“He is a very sweet and lovable,” Serena said.
Chikis is neutered and litter box trained.
