Sat hi to Candy and Francois; this week’s featured pets. (I am in love with this kitten.)

This week’s featured pets up for adoption at the Erath County Humane Society are Candy and Francois.
Candy is a one-year-old female Shepherd/Anatolian mix.
“She is super sweet and good with other dogs, but needs work with a leash,” ECHS executive director Serena Wright told Beneath the Surface News. “She is very gentle and would enjoy an active home.”
Candy is also fully vaccinated and microchipped.

Francois is an eight-week-old male kitten.
“He is sweet and cuddly,” Serena said. “All of his siblings have been adopted and he is really lonely.”
You can meet Candy and Francois at the animal shelter located at 891 East Road in Stephenville.