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Pecan Valley Centers responds to lawsuit, statement by Dallas-based law firm.

Note: Pecan Valley Centers emailed the following statement to Beneath the Surface News in response to a press release issued by a Dallas-based law firm suing the company on behalf of a woman who claims she was sexually assaulted by a former employee.

This is Pecan Valley’s response in its entirety:

Although our attorneys just received this lawsuit and have not had time to thoroughly review it, we must respond to facts that are not in the pleadings. Most importantly, the plaintiff’s attorney failed to inform the court or the media that the criminal assault charges against the former employee, Arran Spoede, resulted from accusations from his former adopted daughter.”

(This key fact has been noted in local coverage of the lawsuit:

Law enforcement has made no allegations against Spoede related to any clients or patients at Pecan Valley.

In fact, in September, when we were informed on a Friday of the possibility of criminal charges because of the daughter’s complaints, we immediately put Spoede on leave, and he was terminated the following Monday.

Our hearts go out to the young woman who reported the father’s abuse, but this decade of purported activity is completely unrelated and was absolutely unknown to the administrators at this facility. They are focused on patient care and treatment as well as upholding Pecan Valley’s mission.

This will be the only statement from Pecan Valley until the conclusion of this litigation.

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