Order up! Stephenville Senior Citizens Center hosting 4th annual chili cook-off.
If you can make a mean pot of chili, this is for you!
The Stephenville Senior Citizens Center is gearing up for its 4th annual chili cook-off on Friday, Jan. 26.
Amateur cooks of any age are invited to enter their original recipes.
Judging will begin at 10:45 a.m.; entries will be judged on visual appeal, aroma, taste and creativity.
Prizes will be awarded to first and second place winners.
And here is the best part: Once judging is complete, attendees will get the chance to sample!
Entries must be original recipes or a modified recipe that hasn’t been published.
The entry form is available at the center, website and Facebook; registration ends Jan. 22.
For more information, call 254-918-1288 or email Sandy Morgan at smorgan@stephenvilletx.gov.