Mayor Doug Svien files for re-election: ‘There’s never been a better time to live in Stephenville.’

Stephenville Mayor Doug Svien is ready to serve another term.
He wasted no time filing for May’s re-election, saying “It’s been my privilege to serve Stephenville as mayor over the past 5 1/2 years. I look forward to another two years of working with our citizens, city council, county commissioners, SISD, TSU and SEDA for continued quality growth for our city.
“There’s never been a better time to live in Stephenville.”
Bob Newby, Place 4, and David Baskett, Place 6, will also run for re-election.
Dr. Tina Virgin, a clinical educator at Texas Health Stephenville, has filed to run for Place 8 currently held by Mark McClinton.
It is not clear if McClinton will seek another term.
After serving two terms on office, Place 2’s Justin Haschke is planning to step aside citing family commitments.
“I hope people view my time on the council as productive and good for the community in terms of infrastructure and economic growth,” Haschke told Beneath the Surface News.
Gerald Cook filed Monday to run for Haschke’s position.