Liquor petition gets 7,000 signatures; move to legalize alcohol in Erath County heads to voters.
Updated: Jun 29, 2021
A two-month effort to get 4,400 signatures on a petition to legalize the sale of alcohol in Erath County appears to have been a success.
John Hatch with Texas Petition Strategies of Austin submitted the petition to county officials on Friday with nearly 7,000 signatures.
If all the signatures are validated, the measure will go before voters in November, and if it passes, will legalize the sale of alcohol and mixed drinks in Erath County and remove private club requirements.
“We are pleased with the response from the community,” Court Cole, owner of Bull Nettle Bar & Grill, said. “This is a clear indication our customers and community want to level the playing field for all businesses here in Erath County.”
The petition also calls for an election to allow fine wine and spirit sales in package stores like Spec’s or Total Wine.