City health official confirms positive case of COVID-19 in Stephenville
Updated: Apr 9, 2020
Dr. Kelly Doggett, the city's public health official, has confirmed that a Stephenville resident has tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by coronavirus.
“I’ve had anecdotal reports of this,” Doggett said early Monday morning. “DSHS is unaware of a case in Erath (County), but states there could be a lag time over the weekend. I’m in direct contact with the Medical Director (Joel Massey) for Texas DSHS.”
An hour later, Doggett confirmed the positive test, stating that the patient was tested locally on Thursday and that the positive test came back on Sunday.
City Manager Allen Barnes emailed members of the Stephenville City Council Monday about the report that a man has tested positive for coronavirus.
The man reportedly works at the Texas A&M Agriife Research and Extension Center at Stephenville and came into contact with several people prior to discovering on Sunday night that he was positive for coronavirus, according to information from city officials.
SISD Superintendent Matt Underwood also issued a statement Monday morning to faculty and parents that he had received information about the confirmed report.
“This may affect our closure schedule in the near future,” Underwood said in an email. “I will get you the information regarding the latest from the CDC, and local specifics of the case as it becomes available.”
A man who said he came into contact with the infected person, posted about the ordeal Sunday on a now-private Facebook page.
“I just learned that I recently interacted with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. I am going into full self-quarantine immediately. The interaction occurred 12 days ago, so if I am infected and I have interacted with you over that time, please be on the lookout for symptoms. Because of the length of time since my contact and since (I’m) not showing symptoms, I am hopeful that I am not infected.”
City Manager Allen Barnes, Assistant City Manager Jason King, Police Chief Dan Harris and Fire Chief Jimmy Chew will take part in a virtual town hall meeting at 3 p.m. (today) Monday.
Residents can watch on Facebook as they discuss and answer questions about COVID-19.
Questions can be submitted to City Secretary Staci King by emailing