Candidate Q&As scheduled to publish just days before early voting begins.
Before early voting for Stephenville city council, mayor and the SISD board of trustees gets underway on April 25, Beneath the Surface News is slated to release a week-long series of Candidate Q&As beginning Sunday.
Candidates running in the May 7 election were asked to respond to several questions pertaining to their particular race and the office they are seeking.
The responses will be published on exactly as they are submitted by each candidate.
Each Q&A will be published at 9 a.m. beginning April 17 through April 22.
Here is the schedule:
SUNDAY, APRIL 17: Stephenville Mayor Doug Svien (incumbent)
MONDAY, APRIL 18: Candidate for Stephenville mayor Brady Pendleton (challenger)
TUESDAY, APRIL 19 - Candidate for Stephenville City Council Place 6 David Baskett
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20: Candidate for Stephenville City Council Place 6 Dean Parr
THURSDAY, APRIL 21: Candidate for SISD Board of Trustees Place 4 Luke Sims
FRIDAY, APRIL 22: Candidate for SISD Board of Trustees Place 4 Amauri Martinez.