Beneath the Surface News hits big milestone after reaching more than 203,000 readers in 28 days.
Updated: May 22, 2022
You guys…
It’s going to be a really good day. I can feel it.
I got up a little earlier than usual because I’m meeting my daughter in Fort Worth this afternoon for a wine lunch and a little shopping.
And guess what? This morning’s online analytics for finally hit a milestone I have been reaching for: 203,071 readers in the past 28 days.
I didn’t scream when I saw the new numbers because it’s still early and I didn’t want to scare The Husband half to death.
But if he had been awake, his ears would be ringing right now.
The numbers had been hovering around the 199,000 mark for over a week, and I wanted nothing more than to hit the big 200 mark.
Today, it happened.
And the new report comes during my biggest advertising month to date with 51 paid advertisers on the site.
I expanded the Home Page this month to accommodate the ad load and I am completely sold out with three local advertisers on the waiting list.
When I started Beneath the Surface News two years ago, I never imagined that it would turn into this, so thank you.
Thank you for reading and sharing my work, thank you for the encouragement and tips.
But most of all, thank you for being my friend.
The thing I love most about being a community journalist is the feeling of kinship I have with readers.
There is nothing in the world I would rather do than work in this community with all of you.
Except shopping. I like to do that too.
Have a happy day.
Our Store, HPS Safes would like to be put on your advertising List please.
Congratulations, Sara!